Hammer & Anvil Books
Publish with H & A
We seek complete manuscripts of imaginative fiction across the genre spectrum and collections of world poetry, large and small.
Here's what you'll need to submit to Hammer & Anvil Books:
A bespoke cover letter introducing yourself and your work;
Your complete manuscript in simple Word doc. format (which should include a Table of Contents and Acknowledgements page);
An updated, detailed Biography of yourself;
Your most splendid blurb paragraph, 'selling' the manuscript to us (and your future readers);
At least two literary folks in mind who will, upon acceptance of your title, provide us with blurbs speaking to the qualities of your manuscript.
Send these in a single message to lazarusmediallc@gmail.com. Your
query will be answered within 30 days of receipt of your materials.
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Here's what you should note before submitting to H&A:
We publish exclusively on Amazon Kindle, who represent fully 50% of the global electronic book market;
Authors' royalty on their work is 50% of net sales;
H&A holds exclusive electronic first North American / English-speaking serial rights for a period of five years from initial date of publication;
Excerpts of your work will appear in Danse Macabre An Online Literary Magazine tm as part of our Publicité for your title;
It is strongly recommended every author establish a presence on both Facebook and GoodReads to supplement our own Publicité efforts.
. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you