Adam Henry Carrière
Fünf Gedichte aus Faschingslieder
Seasons, in Symphonic Form
A blanket of January veils our street,
where children shout in tongues
to snowmen and parents’ sex hides
beneath the sheets, behind locked closets,
in drifts, to be removed the next morning.
Zaire heat vapors - the stems of August
your feet pick through, sweet sweat
across the rain forest of my crotch. I love
unmoving dawn haze, Kalahari dreams
of midnight drive-in hard-ons driving
a beater barefoot with a dusty big toe.
The color of fallen leaves close our play
ground, peering for burnt cornfields
in a lungful of air. Through the thicket,
October calls, guiding little ghouls
and goblins to appointed rounds,
under the void of kitchen-warmed bounty.
A birthday of blocks of ice and sacks of coal,
the May sojourn of washing the car
as a ruse to hose a friend down,
peeling their wet clothes off
while arguing about baseball and hot dogs
before the late rains interrupt the twilight.
Slumber Party
The air-conditioner dribbled icicles
from the upholstered cell, climatized
racket drowning out babycakes drama
of thick secrets and desires roasting
in the shared ruse of the velvet quilt.
Outstanding summer nights
cool their heels in the faint.
Demented hosts know how to hold
a parade; smiles, songs, and bags
of tricks float down the bedded street,
greeting marginal guests, lovelorn
losers, pretending to make it
out on the used balcony. A steady
supply of meaningless others
make for a unique mattress atmosphere.
Hot, sticky pizza is dinner-chewed
apart with gusto, unprotected
beer applied orally, puppy love
pot-sucked dry, Acapulco Gold
in the glow of late-night British horror films.
Surrender to TV is a real man's meal.
Watching each other sleep is the best
entertainment. Lost t-shirts, abandoned
socks, forgotten pajamas, stolen
underwear all observe from the carpet.
Hallucinations of stripped dreams
pine just under the surface
of baby picture stupidity
where bare asses are spanked
and red flesh lands on wet fingers.
Early Beethoven accompanies deep,
fully-clothed sleep meant to lose
each other’s coyness in. What stories
your bodies could write! Laughing
whispers, trembling hush-hush,
timid brushes with bothersome heat.
No one comes, with their own
hand or anywhere else.
Only being so nearby mattered,
approximating each other together,
kindness in short breaths
almost heard under the pillows,
gulps of air no one owns
to faraway mothers in the backdrop
before, during, or after.
Decendants of original white settlers in French Martinique
I am a Beke,
one of the ruling minority,
descendant of a lost Czardas literature,
the dynastic seed of colorful neighborhood decay.
My bullwhip is my tongue,
splitting bloody backsides with war words;
my bayonet is my pen, held at the ready,
and my dreams are loaded pistols carried close.
The waste-laid plantation
no longer produces product,
the sweet cane bittered,
the sour fruit withered.
All we pick and attempt to market is stupidity
cleverly worded,
Zeppelin ego and wormwood citizenry,
air inflated with spent and empty time.
My fresh slaves buck and bridle at my classical malignity,
their peeve a thin vinagrette,
but no one intelligent watches, no one important cares,
not least of all the smiling and singing new arrivals.
Soul March Archive
The lonely same old lonely
my cold solo inventory
my moon and star audit
yes, another awful annum
trod under the jackboot draught
of the Prussian wind
there are few stars, and they're without light
I'm punch drunk in the haze,
hearing cars I can't see and no one can catch
the last little home forest,
quieter for the spectating cattle
but more violent for desert rats
six minutes to go to no party
no friend, no lay, no way
no invitation and none on tv
where are the old black & white comedies?
Marx morphine, Laurel & Hardy heroin
Abbott & Costello alcohol
desert years, invisible books,
cryptographed for the ages
broke and out, gambled to sleep
each gasping night a dreamy gloom,
each baking day a sunless denial
in the never-never land of Odds.
The same old lonely, this cold solo inventory
my nickel-poisoned neon inventory
my cold solo inventory
a moody wind swallows the garden chimes
in an invisible, glassy wave
stolen from a scene in a dollar movie
Boom! I hear the voice of fireworks
honk honk music to the far south
and heaven's sing song in the big north
my lie of history, my eastern essence -
innumerable stars trapped inside of
my glasses, gazing ever westward
interrupted fanfare for the big garçon
a symphonic ballet of unimaginable pomp
from a family-like friend who took poison.
Destinies of gilded, narcotic shores
the warm warning somebody's time is coming
there, in the dreadful apparat
can you see, near the bright
southern star, behind the incomplete
moon, it allows the ink to follow
the words to follow the soul rhythms,
the bittersweet shine of coffin armor
and unfortunate faith in thoughtless desire.
Snap! The grand waltz repeats over and repeats over;
it began this symphony, this high desert adagio,
this, my dust-ridden opus escape.
This vengeance is troubled,
a stronghold on a coastal wasteland
a place to miss sooner rememberings
first heard to fading Red mandolins,
now paved over an indelible ocean,
a dining memory served on skeletal bone china,
with perjurious glassware, poisoned vodka,
sexual caviar, and a Cartier showroom's worth
of diamond tears turned down in marble beddings.
The dream is only the life yet to lead,
what goes in the Daily Planner 'To Do' column:
hallucinations of chimeras and phantasms
circuses and animals, the big top big time big win
big big big, big enough to leave the diminutive,
them and their heaving, humdrum lives.
I want erotic revenge on the graveyard
in only the best clinical sense, to connive
Pan-Slavic hatred with cavorting soldiers,
uncut and hung boys with onion-seasoned smoker's breath,
to whistle Orthodox chants at funerals for Jewry
retaliating for unanswered letters and unreturned affection
to beat a fistful of matted curls onto the gory bricks
of my broken heart's Babi Yar, basking
in cathedral superiority over their temple-bound frailty.
The stucco walls loom large in the flickering moonbeam,
ornaments on the bare branches of my memorials
outside the unwanted warmth of a nearly empty house
a nest, a collection of collections,
pictures, guns, and nutcrackers
protective music and proud buddy animals
their love unconditional in a world of cold
solo inventories, unlistened-to symphonies
playing under the new year star and moon
winter chords played by wind-swept strings,
woodwinds piped by remarkably well-preserved corpses,
commemorating the death of an evil father
a sire of steel and fire,
whose concertgoers now long for the mailed fist
in their national slavery, these woe, holy people
asunder, laughed at by the squat, silent one
through giggly movie magic;
what a finger to such a fiend.
These concertgoers are my brothers
in the same old same old lonely
somewhere in that black, elegiac subsistence,
this snarling, satirical nerve in my heart,
they are all there in euphonious reprisal
gunning down the unwashed
dressing up the homeless for execution;
footlights at dawn and headlines at noon,
meticulously chronicled for the best-seller grosses,
before closing in the somber night to bad reviews
and niggardly barbs. Like stinging people,
the silent words are hard to forget
every letter a chilled limb,
every sentence a tightened lip.
You deserve names that don't rise from the grave
faces that stay under the dirt
and coffins that stack neatly inside the closet
crypts of accumulated, just remembrance.
Go, before someone drops a symphony on you
there'll be no inventory of faces tonight
they are gone in the starless dark quilting
keeping my nakedness in drizzly swathe.
Soon, my house will win the flower of its glory
our jubilation will march the sunlight into beaten dark
pictures of guardians and warriors
under the grey eye of the dead,
thrill-watching this wild blond wolf
with glinting teeth and a gleaming sword
massacring a blood red victory for the family,
murderers all, to cheering and wine-belching screams.
These skinless hands on exterminated ivory
this aphorism, shivering with the nervous doom of tension
my circus march elephant polka dissonance,
my cold new year nightfall, my winter
darkness wind, my surreal conversation
compulsion with unwanted, echoing intruders
I surrender to the cold
and refuse no inventory
there is no cold solo same old same old lonely
the only thing left is an empty Vienna,
bassinet of dream waltzes,
and an unendurably faraway Paris,
bed and breakfast of dark lights
these waltzes and lights,
they are less so solo with you in my hand,
in my body, in my heart
cross at my cold solo heart and hope to die
in an all-new lonely, lonely, only with you.
The silence at midnight abounds,
lost in the puddled glow of a crooked
lamplight and the blackened draft.
The windows are pulled wide,
as if to receive restless wraiths
with cakes and cider, but no calls
become one, no portraits go barefoot
down halls deep in sleep.
Not far, the demented toss and turn,
the abandoned bleakly stare into their own
abyss, the broken wait for their next feeding.
Their stillness knows no peace.
Invisible figures move to and fro
between the sealed glass and the wet lawns
unknowing the law has set so many wrecks
into such a tidy menagerie. They’d weep
to feel a single moment of its internment,
so instead they flee, to gluttony, to insensibility,
to citizenship the books can be proud of.
But in those leather-bound folios,
a banal malevolence awaits - at the tip
of a syringe, the taste of a pill, the drop
of a hat, to terrified whispers and off-hand
feints that disturb the intelligent design
of such silence. The dawn is only a rumour,
any god, a distant memory to these fatalities.
Adam Henry Carrière is an online habitué (it’s easier than hanging out in saloons) specializing in letters, publishing design, and, God’s vengeance for his apparently having been a SS death camp Kommandant in another life, instruction. A former NPR broadcaster (they found out his voice was only deep when he went on before dawn), he holds a BA in Film & Video from Columbia College (despite never being a film major - take that, film geeks!) and an MA in Professional Writing from the University of Southern California, which he hopes one day to get back from Super Pawn. He has taught writing at both his alma mater simply out of spite and for the United States Navy across the Pacific before Rummy got wise to his being a homo. Born on the South Side of Chicago and not unrelatedly a pretty good shot, Adam resides (nee, is marooned) in Las Vegas, where he has won the Nevada Arts Council Fellowship in Poetry before gop twats eliminated the award to help keep taxes low for struggling companies like Amazon and Zappos. He styles as Verleger / Herausgeber of Danse Macabre, Nevada’s first online literary magazine (which you might be familiar with), and DM du Jour, its daily gazette. He is the author of Miles (kind of like Love, Simon, just a whole lot better) its sequel Shant (screen rights available to any PGA folks that recognize the second half of the compound, homosexual) and the upcoming Rhododendrons of the Sea. The above poems are from Adam’s first poetry collection, Faschingslieder {Carnival Songs}.