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Danse Macabre
is an online magazine of imaginative verse & prose
dedicated to the magical, the ethereal, the supernatural,
the dark, the absurd, and the unknown.
All works submitted to Danse Macabre must be the property/work of the submitter. The owners of said works retain all subsequent rights to the work after publication while allowing DM upon submission the right to: Publish said works in one to three online issues, incl. DM du Jour; retain your submission in our Archiv; and include your work in any (single) future DM print anthology.
We reserve the right to withdraw without notice our offer of (or actual) publication at any time.
Individual writings and images are the property of their respective owners. Images that appear without accreditation are in the Public Domain.
DM Copyright (c.) 2006 - 2022 by Adam Henry Carrière & Lazarus Media LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
ISSN 2152-4580
Ainsi là.
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