John Stanizzi
To one who has Faith, no explanation is necessary.
To one without Faith, no explanation is possible.
Thomas Aquinas
Why is it that You
have limited our relationship
to one of invisibility,
You always hide in the sky,
or somewhere, always,
as I remain down here
stumbling around senselessly?
I recall as a small child
questioning Your whereabouts
as I pointed straight up
with a chubby finger
at a sky so vast
it was as endless as the nothingness
my scarce incomplete mind
could fathom.
Yet, it’s not really nothing, is it,
with its huge, cosmic junkyard,
its orbital speedway,
its turbulent light and lack of light.
That’s one of the problems with
learning to comprehend things-
we create our own notions
of what is and is not
and those become our legitimacies,
the certainties by which
we live and judge—
our understanding
becomes our history and our guide
and it’s probably all wrong
I know I’ve pointed at the sky
hundreds of times
trying to make a little contact,
and have always failed
Here’s another mystery;
what to make of a boy
who fashions his truths this way:
my precepts are gleaned
from all the lies I’ve harvested
and believe to have perfected,
from all the cruelty
I perceived as mere frolic…
…my flimsy loves I called them,
artificial smiles,
layers of dishonesty…
…and I am met by a disappearing act
and silence and He mystifies me into imagining
the possibility of His presence,
and the only thing necessary
to get me all worked up
is for me to ask Him to let things slide
just this once…
…and viola-everything is cool…
until the next time I fuck things up
I’ve often thought hard about such things
slashed by anxiety
occasionally glancing up
into the problematic firmament,
which from here
seems empty, and endless-
an impossible challenge
to comprehend
even if, somehow, I acquire the thinnest
slice of its blue,
which I fold into a neat square
and place into my pocket forever
waiting for some kind of life to emerge
or just allow it to remain safe in my pocket
close to me always
flashy and dazzling or not-
no matter -
I will continue to wait
for the main star sequence
to become the spiritual sounding
High mass star which
when summoned by the Red Supergiant
time closes in
before I witness the colossal self-annnihilation
of the Red Supergiant,
devoid of hydrogen
spitting out infant stars
in a drama we call the supernova,
billions of times brighter than our sun,
and it occurs to me that the distance
is enough to keep me safe,
to allow me to continue
my fascination with the
the small piece of folded sky
which I keep in my pocket
wondering if I’ve trapped it
or made a friend for life.
Amber Alert
Police have to believe an abduction has taken place
and the child must be at risk of serious injury or death.
Police also must have a description of the child,
captor, or captor’s vehicle and the child must be
child must be 17 years old or younger.
“You are her last hope.”
cars on the road cars on the road
ribbons on a doll
its eyes open filling with rain
how can there be so many
cars on the road
did no one have eyes
to see the doll in the soft hands
of the child
see her cry
looking around wildly
at nothing familiar
birds everywhere birds everywhere
ribbons tied to trees
signs stapled on telephone poles
birds must have seen something
something they might even speak of
landing in the branches
pretending not to see
bones in the field bones in the field
sun sets over half-buried bones
birds’ music is sewn into the branches
like lace so delicate it cannot be seen
though we are sure of its presence
after the girl was stolen
the man kept the doll
which now had one arm missing
the other lost as the girl fought for her life
the doll’s ribbon dripped with thick wet mud-
-its eyes slammed shut
when the man crushed the doll
with the heel of his boot
The Crawling of the Worms
The inner lotus has never seen a drop
of mud or dirty water; it is pure,
bright, beautiful.
Bird’s Tail Magazine
When I buried you, I loved you such tenderness
Now I feel shame
I pretended to give you everything I had-
quilt of patience, cool breeze for the sadness-
I created a life of gifts-
red sky with impinging clouds,
the pinkness of birth,
sand and sand
and more sand
One cannot have too much
Though whatever your most dear wishes,
you swore you saw them
hurtling over the rise
by the Chinese restaurant,
someone pretending to be you.
The heart was moved,
the confusion seemed to evaporate-
someone said they saw you smile
as you raced over the winding roads
leaving this scrapyard
in a feverish search for the beginning.
The worms,
dressed formally,
were released,
just as a reminder
of the difference
between the start
and the finish,
the thoughtless-
senselessly hysterical-
followed by the
wraith of the moribund.
Double Life? Hardly
The biggest problem
is that we’re all the same-
yes, yes we behave differently
from one another,
but that is inconsequential.
You’re overlooking the oddities-
the mouth,
the eyes which believe
they run the show,
the nose and ears
which never stop growing
your entire life.
It is exhausting these parallels,
which is why we’ve designed
a system that urges us
to work on nonconformity,
to create the illusion
of the myriad benefits
of a lifetime of trying to
chisel a new you,
a you like no one else.
Even if you hire an expert
to work your face like putty
until you no longer resemble yourself,
you will still fail.
Everyone who has ever known you
will recognize you immediately.
And let’s not forget
that horrifying internal feud,
the one in the mind
where nobody ever wins,
they just suffer.
Thank God for metaphors.
I’ve separated myself into two
equal parts,
and though I’m condemned
to listen to them shout
curses at one another
over a split-rail fence
made of fog,
when it’s time for me
to intervene I do.
I choose a side
and I write
about what the view is like
from that side-
spring flowers smattering
the hills and the valleys
with notions of
multi-colored beauty,
places where I gather up
as many colors as I can
and carry them to the other side.
The other side-
-black-dark torment,
constant reminders
that reassembly is impossible,
made worse by advanced
macular degeneration,
deafness, and a temperament
that wavers back and forth,
bashing against the walls
and doing so much
repulsive damage
that if anyone caught sight of you
they would have no idea
who you were,
or what.
“How beautiful you must be
to have been able to lead me
this far with only
the sound of your going away”
W.S. Merwin, The Moon Before Morning
Closeness became an illusion
like one darkness passing slowing
through the eyes of another
Alone with furniture
that will not hide its face
I wait
counting the ghosts
that spiral up from the wood’s grain
and tick by
When I return
I am silent
I do not wake you
Thinking this does not concern you
I let you sleep
and I must leave
You try to touch me
but the blaze of these moments
will not allow it
I am too protective
of the illegal light
that coats my mornings
We do not exchange the colors
spreading within us
One light passes quickly unnoticed
through the eyes of the other
John L. Stanizzi is the author of Ecstasy Among Ghosts, Sleepwalking, Dance Against the Wall, After the Bell, Hallelujah Time!, High Tide – Ebb Tide, Four Bits, Chants, Sundowning, POND, The Tree That Lights The Way Home, and Feathers and Bones. His new collection, Viper Brain will be released in early fall (Main Street Rag Publishing – Scott Douglass).
Besides appearing in Danse Macabre several times, John’s work has also been widely published including in the journals American Life in Poetry, Blue Mountain Review, Caribbean Writer, Connecticut River Review, Cortland Review, Front Porch Review, Hawk & Handsaw, Jerry Jazz Magazine, Laurel Review, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Mad Swirl, New York Quarterly, Paterson Literary Review, Peacock Literary Review, Plainsongs, PoetLore, Prairie Schooner, Praxis, Rust & Moth, Tar River Review, Thin Slice of Anxiety, Verse Virtual , and many others.
His work has been translated into Italian and appears widely in Italy. His translator is the Italian scholar and translator, Angela D’Ambra.
His nonfiction has been published in Literature and Belief, Stone Coast Review, Ovunque Siamo, Adelaide, Scarlet Leaf, Evening Street, Praxis, Potato Soup Journal, The Red Lemon, After the Pause, and others. Potato Soup Journal named his story Pants among “The Best of 2020” and it appeared in their anthology, celebrating the best work of the year.
John has read at venues all over New England, including the Mystic Arts Café, the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival, Hartford Stage, and many others. For years, John coordinated the Fresh Voices Poetry Competition for Young Poets at Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, Connecticut. He was also a “teaching artist” for the national poetry recitation contest, Poetry Out Loud; he spent a decade with Poetry Out Loud.
Former Wesleyan University Etherington Scholar, and New England Poet of the Year (‘98), John has just been awarded an Artist Fellowship in Creative Non-Fiction – 2021 - from the Connecticut Office of the Arts and Culture for work on his new memoir, Bless Me, Father, for I Have Sinned. He is a former Professor of Literature at Manchester Community College in Manchester, Connecticut, and lives with his wife, Carol, in Coventry, CT