Annonce de Amour Sombre!
Romance darkly in AMOUR SOMBRE, the premiere print anthology from Danse Macabre - An Online Literary Magazine and Hammer & Anvil Books. Lovers of imaginative verse and prose, epicureans of the magical, the ethereal, the supernatural, the dark, the absurd, and the unknown will savour this nonpareil literary buffet of 38 dishes featuring authors from around the world and beyond the grave, hand-crafted to caress readers with the chill of ardour, the thrill of passion, and the poisonous pills of the melancholy and the macabrely. AMOUR SOMBRE is a literary cornucopia of dark delights that will grip readers of the imaginative like friendly (and perhaps not so friendly) shadows in the night.
Verkünden Hauptfriedhof!
Gourmands of the fantastic, epicureans of the grotesque, and lovers of the furry, the freaky, and the far-out, we bid you welcome to HAUPTFRIEDHOF, the second print anthology drawn from l’ossuaire ancien du Danse Macabre! Over fifty-three works by a buffet of today’s most irresistible story-tellers are contained here. No author in this leviathan anthology is lonely for context or resonance, and each work, beautiful and engaging in itself, is amplified by its milieu…betwixt light and darkness. Here, chilling circumstances, unsettling characters, exotic locales, often hilarious turns of the screw, and perhaps even a nightmare or two, abound. HAUPTFRIEDHOF is a lurid literary delight for aficionada of the monstrous – and monsters of all shapes and sizes!
Amour Sombre
The first Danse Macabre print anthology
Featuring fanciful works from
Mona Abboud ~ Karima Alavi
Arlene Ang ~ Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz
Jonathan Beale ~ Bruce Bond
Murray Brozinsky ~ J. Eric Castro
Adam Henry Carrière ~ Bob Chester
Ed Coonce ~ Mary Driver-Thiel
J. C. Frampton ~ Katerina Fretwell
Robert C. J. Graves ~ Tom Gribble
Roxanne Hoffman ~ Jessica Hughes
Ani Kachbalian ~ Robert P. Kaye
Michael C. Keith ~ Gregory Kimball
Brant Lyon ~ Donal Mahoney
Peter Marra ~ Adam Moorad
Randall W. Pretzer ~ Bob Priest
James Ragan ~ Elizabeth I. Riseden
Farida Samerkhanova ~ Meg Sefton
Tom Sheehan ~ Dick Strawser
Jeanann Verlee ~ Mercedes Webb-Pullman
The second Danse Macabre print anthology
Featuring fanciful works from
Gale Acuff ~ Eric Basso
Allie Marini Batts ~ Mark Baumgartner
K. Marvin Bruce ~ Paul Bussan
Alana I. Capria ~ Chris Crittenden
Holly Day ~ Geoffrey Detrani
Mary Dixon ~ Raymond DuChene
Michael Estabrook ~ Melinda Giordano
Richard Godwin ~ Peter Goulding
Suzanne Grazyna ~ Danny Herman
Kerry Hillis ~ Janie Hofmann
Claire Huxham ~ Rich Ives
Zakariah Johnson ~ Michael C. Keith
James Kendley ~ Nick Kimbro
Antonia Alexandra Klimenko ~ Peter Marra
Kim McCullough ~ K. J. Medico
Samantha Memi ~ Davide Nixon
Orlaith O'Sullivan ~ Ashok Rajamani
Michelle Reale ~ Ana Reyes
Colter J. Ruland ~ Mike & Ron Schaffer
Abigail Sheaffer ~ Tom Sheehan
Constance Stadler ~ Darby Tench
Michael Thompson ~ Karolina Waclawiak
Jeffrey M. Wallmann ~ Mercedes Webb-Pullman
Peter Weltner ~ Daniel Williams
Frederick Zydek
Both titles now in quality paperback from
Hammer & Anvil Books
Your purchase of these arresting anthologies will help support & sustain Danse Macabre
(and gift yourself two pounds of the Macabrely for your nighttime reading delectations!)
Available exclusively up the Amazon
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