A Danse Macabre Holiday Anthology
is one of those collections you rarely seem to stumble upon. It is a marvelous journey deep into the heart of literary winter. Contemporary writers of poetry and prose huddle beside hidden gems of the past, blending into the stark surroundings seamlessly. Weihnachtsmarkt reaches to the far corners of the globe and spans over six centuries of holiday writing. Each poem woven and tale spun resonates profoundly - with humour, poignancy, and the macabre - in concert with Ezra Pound:
Winter is icummen in, Lhude sing Goddamm.
Entr'acte Weihnachtsmarkt
Our winter’s journey begins. Again.
Balmy, jasmine scented summer evenings have given way to etched white frozen blades of grass soldiering silently, impervious border guards to stark and ice specked walkways. Soon, heavy boots will trod upon those paths carrying swaddled family and friends bound for the warming hearths that beckon from our homes.
Must we wait until spring for renewal?
Unlike the bear who share our woods, we’ll not give in to hibernation, no matter how tempting. Look no further than the following pages for the kindling to spark raging fires that will warm you to your core. Share them with another and you’ll have twice the warmth to take the edge off the chill.
With this new anthology, DM gives particular emphasis and honor to the poet.
It has been the poet throughout history that has shown us winter for what it is; a mere interlude, a test of our will and a testament to our longing. Poets damned winter’s calamitous blizzards, cursed frostbitten toes and bemoaned the absence of life giving sun.
The poet foreshadowed man’s earliest astronomers, calming the worry of the citizenry that coexisted with the shortening of the day. Long before any formal study of astronomy had taken hold in ancient Greece, the poet and playwright Aeschylus, noted through his Watchman that both winter’s and summer’s alternative advances were foretold by the stars.
No less than the Bard himself shouted out to Old Man Winter, “Thy breath be rude” in, As You Like It. Yet he wrote prolifically during the gray season. He knew that in the final argument, winter’s fury was no match for the passage of the days then weeks that would bring in the bounty once again.
So, sojourn forward we must. Into the cold. The blustery. We stride upon our lanes, our chins jutting into the steely and unrelenting north winds, telling winter, “Give us your best shot”.
Is there not beauty in December? Wonder in January? Will we find no nourishment in February? The Romans did after all make this the shortest month of them all, can we not endure it?
Weihnachtsmarkt may serve to freeze the tears shed for last summer’s passing. Yet the splendor that is winter and the promise to follow will delight you with shiny baubles and bagatelles crafted to lift your spirit, warm your heart and your mood.
It is with the best wishes of the season that I introduce, Weihnachtsmarkt.
Michael J. Solender
They say good things come to those who wait. Or almost die in the process, as the case may be. Truly, hunger is the most savory of spices, and anticipation the greatest complement to pleasure. Drawn from the pages of Danse Macabre ~ An Online Literary Magazine™ WEIHNACHTSMARKT is your supreme buffet of feiertagsgeschichten (holiday stories) et poésie saisonnière (seasonal poetry). Lovers of noir coloratura will groan under the weight of bookish delights from around the globe and beyond the grave: prose plum puddings spiced with nutmeg and rum, hearty portions of DM’s Prix de Noël winners topped with poetic sprigs of holly, hidden holiday crackers filled with mystery and caprice, flurries of powdered sugar, perhaps the faintest whiff of classical sulphur and that tang of bitter almond...ach du liebe, what a carve-up! Let no anthology reader in your macabrely circles go without WEIHNACHTSMARKT this holiday season!
A Danse Macabre Holiday Anthology
Now in quality paperback
from Hammer & Anvil Books
available exclusively on Amazon.com