Gerald Sarnat
Autumn Falls Surreally
Surreally Pobiz
On Oct 26, 2018
at 1:25 PM, DarkAngel wrote:
Evil One, no thanks.
We’ve gotten out of the habit
of publishing CEOs
who happily lists a Soldier Art
‘zine not realizing
this is a Progressive journal.
On Oct 26, 2018
at 1:41 PM, GerardSarnat wrote:
Should you care
to dig deeper, that Military Mag
published a Nam
war resistor poem and I was CEO
of not-for-profit
organizations serving the Homeless.
Spirited Away: Old Folks’ Play-Dohoid Get-Go
Backhoe heave-ho peepshow
opium, heroin, Oxycodone
--except for those perfecto
post-op Fentanyl glowing
whorled star Van Goghs
narcotics’re so odious
every damn polluting
conceivable modality
including their woes
of cemented colons.
Judas Denial
-- on the November 11th hundredth anniversary
of the end of World War I
Born during The
Great War to end all,
Fred was part of God’s
Greatest Generation, doing
one part at Dunkirk after which
he tended job, daughters, garden
where may he now rest in peace…
A twin brother, Jack, my Daddy’s
best friend, also made it back but since
no children were in his future, by default
or perhaps love, I got Lugers maybe taken
off dead Germans -- although arrogant son
of a bitch, this Vietnam protestor Gesundheit
Sarnatzsky refused heartfelt gifts three times.
More Zen Dementia Dance Cards Are Used Than Kabuki Bonsai Bingo.
This good old boy once right as rain, my brain’s slowly flooded with amyloid.
Terms & haiku conditions apply while I am still mostly able to eat solid sushi.
On the basis of manalytics, our dearest family considers its values + interests.
One pulls a patented Misery Porn Index from her laminated pocket protector.
Giddy grandsons avoid Gramp’s score but then report back to those gathered.
Behavior devolution: attractive nuisance to too malign toward kamikaze. Oy.
Doors To Der Stürmer’s Hitler D'oh!
-- thanks to Sacha Baron Cohen and The Simpsons
on November 2018’s hundredth anniversary of World War I
Dancehall mechanical bulls
do the nasty with anti-Semites
who raise both hands while mewling
something about, Throw that damn Jew
down our oil wells; while surly bartenders
invoke Krusty The Clown (a.k.a. Herschel
Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky)
as jukeboxes whine out soul songs full
of pedal-jack boot guitar and Homer
cries into his beer about answering
one game show question wrong
regards North Dakota’s capital.
Gerard Sarnat is a physician who’s built/staffed homeless clinics as well as a Stanford professor/healthcare CEO. Gerry’s been married since 1969 with three kids plus four grandkids and more on the way. His work has appeared in DM, Gargoyle, Main Street Rag, New Delta Review, MiPOesias, Blue Mountain Review, Canary Eco, Military Experience and the Arts, Brooklyn Review, San Francisco Magazine, and Los Angeles Review. His collections include: Homeless Chronicles (2010), Disputes (2012), 17s (2014), and Melting the Ice King (2016). gerardsarnat.com