John Schertzer
Cinque poesie
Meanderthal Warrior Priestess Does a Crossword
Feeling established. Like.
Reading every word.
It says. Remediation this sponge.
Library in circumference.
Believing. In Arc. It is
Transportation villain. And
So forth. Bold ties. Both
Add up to a flurry a.
Buffet of. Noxious
Lingerers. Hopefully primed
Open possible. Rem(a)inder of
Learning a lot of. Door into
Flagrant. Networks illuminated
Proximate you. Mortality. Done.
Meanderthal Warrior Priestess Fixes a Flat
The pressure subsides
The wheel deformed
Requires the crisis
That she provides
Now fit for travel
Meanderthal Warrior Priestess: Job Creator
Every phenomenal silence is to be filled
A breeze required to hug the body of a dead tree
Foot for shoe, step for pavement
Air to breathe and thought to think
All the crimes that fill our stories
Raised with a word from an imagined world
To build us as we are
And never otherwise be
Meanderthal Warrior Priestess Balances Her Check Book
Birds flying in and out of the windows
Help to align the air for the sound that moments
Possess as movements pass over the pen
Ink laid here and there amid the crossworks
And the dream of it all adding up. It does
Add up, all of it, but only in one of her otherworldly
Worlds, one contained in a small box she keeps
Free of ectoplasmic improvisations
Unlike the others held in softer delineations
But no matter what net she drops
There is a reaction, top to bottom
And a spice that settles on a situation
The flatness of the desk, the bulging of what appears
Upon it as the twittering releases numbers
Far more of them than was earlier imagined
Meanderthal Warrior Priestess Lounges
It's as difficult for some
To turn these symbols into water
As it was to begin a universe
One of similar retail value
Cradle interlocking crane
Hoisting new personalities
Into the air. It becomes dozens
Of rare minerals, exploding
Out of the ground with faces
In the direction of the stars
Asteroids colliding as she sits
In the silent radiation of suns
Saying not, hearing not, drugged
By the inevitable decay it is
John Schertzer is the author of Bellamonia (Spuyten Duyvil, 2021). His poetry, fictions and hybrids have been published in Danse Macabre, Big Other, Inverted Syntax, The Germ, American Letters & Commentary, 1913 Journal, The Cortland Review, La Petite Zine, LIT, and other journals.