Lee Evans
Five Poems
By the Roadside
(after Chuang-Tsu and Bunan)
One evening on my way back home,
I spied a human skull
Bleached ghostly white, retaining still
Its former shape, wherein the will
To live had swelled its bones.
I tapped it with my walking cane,
And asked it, “Did you, Sir,
In all your greed for life, bestir
The twisting fibers of your nerves
To come to this in vain?
“What brought you here? A civil war,
Perhaps? or just old age--
Your grand finale on this stage
Of losing battles, where the wage
Can never compensate the scars?”
This said, I took it in my hands,
And underneath my head
I made a pillow for my bed
Among the weeds and trash that hid
My sleep from beast and man.
At midnight when the town clocks tolled,
That skull became my dream,
And whispered, “What you said to me
More like an orator beseems
Than one who sifts for gold!
“Your words described the way of life
Of men who drew their breaths
While in pursuit of happiness
And liberty, in spite of death
Preventing all their strife.
“But in the grave those baits and lures
Can never satisfy the Saints
Whose deaths take place without a taint;
Who wipe away the foolish paint
That masks a hollow core.
“Perhaps you’d like to hear me speak
About the end of woe.”
“Oh, tell me everything you know!”
The skull resumed, “In Death are no
Distinctions that men seek.
“No seasons waste each other there
With changes soon undone;
No phase of moon or fire of sun
Surpasses Wisdom’s light for ones
Who move beyond your sphere.”
I heard his words with skeptic doubts,
And said, “If magic arts
Could somehow cause you to depart
From your abyss, and take your part
Once more in your own house,
“With mother, father, wife and child,
And all your wealth and friends,
Would you refuse the chance to blend
With what you loved, to live again,
If only for a while?”
The skull stared fixedly at me,
And said, knitting its brows,
(This was a dream, remember now!)
“No one who casts away life’s shroud
Regains that misery.
“While living, be a dead man, then;
Be dead so through and through
That anything you think or do
Will be as though there were no you--
And dwell here as my friend.”
In the Wilderness
When rambling in the East one day,
Conducted by a gentle breeze,
Yun Kiang espied Hung Mung, amazed,
Because the latter hopped and played,
Slapping his buttocks with such glee.
“O tell me, sir, just who are you?
Why are you doing this?” he cried.
Hung Mung looked up and answered, “Pooh!”
Yun Kiang said, “Is there gospel truth
Your antics have from me disguised?
“You see, I long to seize the Wind,
And harmonize the basic Six—
The Darkness, Light, the Yang, the Yin,
And Rain—all in myself to blend.
Don’t tease me with fantastic tricks!”
“I do not know! I do not know!”
Hung Mung just shook his head and sprang
Away into the reeds that blow
With harmonies of Rain that flow
In Light and Darkness, Yin and Yang.
Years afterward, when yet once more
Yun Kiang was rambling in the East,
Hung Mung he noticed as before,
And hastened to be taught his lore,
And laid his head down at his feet.
“O Heaven, do remember me!
Have you forgotten, Heaven?”
Hung Mung said, “Wandering listlessly,
I know not where or what I seek—
But you aspire to govern Man.”
Yun Kiang replied, “I too am tossed
About by aimless influence,
And yet the People follow close
Upon my heels; and since they press
About me, shall I lead them hence?”
“Do so, and you will be their bane!
Do nothing, and the world will be
Well guided, as you hold the reins
Preventing men from seeking gain
Beyond what their best Good beseems.”
“And what, O Heaven, is that Good?”
The Recluse answered, “Empty minds
And weakened wills; sufficient food;
The dearth of knowledge; being trued
To Nature’s stillness, and resigned.”
Yun Kiang said, “Heaven, you have taught
The meaning of your Way to one
Who all his life for it has sought—
Who now within its net is caught!”
He bowed twice to him, and was gone.
Double Vision
As I came down from Vulture Peak,
My venerable Master grinned--
Because he saw a skeleton
Pursued by wings and beaks
Which followed it across the sky
While pecking it between the ribs,
And stabbing it and tearing it
To pieces as it screamed and cried.
My venerable Master said,
“It surely is quite wonderful
That such an individual
Exists among the living dead!
“That being, in a former life,
Was one who butchered cattle here,
Then burned in Hell for many years,
And afterward became a sprite.”
As I came down from Vulture Peak,
My Venerable Teacher smiled
At something that appeared to howl--
And yet methought it strained to speak.
Above us, yet below the vault
Of Heaven, was this thing pursued
By forceps and by suction tubes,
And drugs that made its flesh dissolve.
My venerable Teacher said,
“It surely is no miracle
That one so modern and so full
Of bright ideas, should yet be wed
“To deeds some former life has sown.
That being was a doctor then,
Whose living made an early end
Of those whose pain is now his own!”
I knew a narcoleptic cook,
Who when he didn’t take his pills,
Hallucinated black robed monks
While scrubbing down the restaurant grill.
We took our constitutionals
Each day upon the city streets,
Confabulating whimsical
Yet philosophic fancies sweet.
One cloudy Saturday we strolled
From town toward the shining sea,
To contemplate a local grove
Where Monarchs held court on the trees.
The butterflies clung close in throngs
On eucalyptus and cypress,
Enveloped in a looming fog
That blurred all boundaries with us.
We barely saw the tiny wings
Ten-thousand-fold upon the limbs,
Like autumn leaves prepared to fling
Their glories to the reckless wind.
I turned to him and framed a thought,
But he spoke first. “What do you think?
“Perhaps I’m really nodding off
While leaning on the kitchen sink.”
To Sleep: On Veteran's Day
Whatever is not present, one therefore sees as empty; whatever else is present, one sees as truly present. Ananda, this called truly dwelling in emptiness, without distortion ~ Madhyama-agama
On a Duck Tour of twilight Baltimore
We ride and listen to the droning guide
Reiterate a tourists’ litany
Of highlights; and I soon begin to dream,
And fight the sleep that slowly drains my mind.
The night is coming on as though it were
The being in and of itself of things
That by the light of day is Camden Yards,
Fire hydrants and the Bromo Seltzer Tower.
I’ve heard that what goes on by light of day
Continues in the night; and yet I feel
That more than continuity looms there,
Behind the crude façade of what we see.
The Inner Harbor’s fascinations are
Too shallow to detain me from this sleep.
No novelty, such as the amphibious Duck,
Whose kin rolled up the beaches on D-Day,
And in which now we ride tooting duck calls,
Can keep my mind from lapsing once again
To the profound unconscious whence it crawled
Like some Darwinian lungfish ages ere
The earth became the Lord’s in seven days.
No tour guide’s commentary could detain
Me in my passage to the dreamless depth
Beyond all being, where old Gnostic seers
Took refuge from the Furies of the Faith;
Or apprehension of that Buddhist state,
Cessation of perception and feeling.
No vista o’er the harbor’s oily waves,
No six foot circle dotting the red “I”
That is a basketball court length in size
In sugary Domino’s great glowing sign,
Could tempt me back to consciously enjoy
These narrated highlights of Baltimore.
Nor Federal Hill that looms like Tara’s mound,
So Irish, o’er the city’s row houses,
Or World Trade Center, towering so high,
With oohs and aahs of tourists from its top,
Or Shot Tower, pointing to the shrouded sky,
Or the first monument to Washington,
Can keep me from dissolving like a mud
Statue, engulfed within the ocean’s rising tide:
For I have prayed the prayer unprayable,
And I have dreamed the dream undreamable,
And I have touched the sphere of nothingness—
All while the Duck sprouts wheels and rolls ashore,
Onto the streets of Fells Point’s Normandy.
Earth Day
A skeleton lurched past the graves and paused,
raising up its skull to the cloud-swept sky.
Was there pain in the spine and the hip joints?
Ah, but the bones themselves felt not a thing.
Muscles and skin were attached to the bones,
and viscera swayed in its body bag;
but the pain was elsewhere, everywhere; yes.
There were intricate nerves that pulsed and fired
electrical spasms into a brain
that pressed its lobes to the vault of the sky;—
but the brain felt no pain, nor the senses,
spying through narrow slits at the springtime scene.
Then the bones collapsed to the earth at the feet
of the ancient pines that groaned in the breeze.
Lee Evans lives in Bath, Maine, where he and his wife work for the local YMCA. He has self-published several collections of poetry and his work has appeared in such periodicals as Mused, Contemporary Rhyme, Visual Verse, and Shot Glass Journal. Bienvenue au Danse, Lee.