Michael Estabrook
Bestiary Poetry
Colossal Squid
Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni
Devilfish we are called today
but the ancients knew us
and our Giant Squid cousins as The Kraken
(classified by Linnaeus as Microcosmus marinus
a true species) the mariners feared us mightily
for we stalked the frigid northern seas
and southern oceans
enwrapping ships with our eight mighty arms
pulling them under and eating
the puny sailors with ease.
They could not fight us and for no small reason
for we are genuine monsters
the only creatures gigantic and powerful enough
to take on the mighty Sperm Whale
and live to tell about it.
Because we make the deepest depths
our home we are rarely seen
and never end dead and washed-up on a beach
although a 20-foot tentacle has been found
and there are many more trust me
where that one came from.
Giant Huntsman Spider
Heteropoda maxima
Fortunately for you people we live secluded
in caves in rocky crags
along underground rivers
for we are formidable hideous creatures
big as dinner plates with long hairy crab-like legs
the largest spiders in the world.
If you find yourself spelunking in Laos
and happen to stumble upon us
and for some perverted reason wish
to investigate us further get to know us better
heed my advice and remember to pick us up
by our legs only or else
ecky ecky ecky
Loch Ness Monster
Nessiteras rhombopteryx
Since before the Dark Ages we
have been lurking beneath the freezing
deep dark waters of Lock Ness after
having swam up Ness River
from the North Sea.
The valiant Vikings knew we were there
but knew better than to hunt us
or search us out
better to let sleeping monsters lie!
Spotted down through the centuries
but becoming an obsession for academicians
politicians tourists sailors monster hunters biologists
cryptozoologists nautical engineers and hoaxers
only in 1933 after the first photo was taken
spawning innumerable films videos sonar images
echo sound recordings and various
“scientific” and submersible expeditions.
A surviving Plesiosaur family?
Giant Greenland Shark or Sturgeon?
“Lake Worm” or Norwegian Skate?
School of Bottlenose Dolphins?
Not sure honestly and I wouldn’t tell you
if I knew this is too much fun just keep on chasing me
but please for the love of all that is holy
Stop Calling Me Nessie! I’m A Monster You Morons!
Mixtidae gryphus
Unlike these puny modern monsters—
Yeti and Ligers, giant bears and spiders
and the silly Loch Ness Monster,
we were true beasts, ancient beasts
powerful enough to fly off with full-grown horses!
Roaming the dusky desert hills and skies
we were integral to the myths and legends
of ancient Greece Persia Egypt Crete even Mongolia
described with fear, awe and respect in the earliest
of the Bestiaries even making an appearance
in Dante’s famous Commedia
where his beloved Beatrice appears before him
in a stunning two-wheeled chariot drawn by a regal Griffin.
Simply put we are half lion and half eagle—
the body, tail, and back legs of a lion
the head and wings of an eagle
rulers of both land and air combined
in one majestic creature.
Oh yes there are ancient pagan legends, prehistoric myths
but we wolf-man beasts didn’t come into our own
until the Dark Ages in a Europe bulging
with too many people (before the Black Death
rolled through and culled the herd)
such easy pickings forcing us out of the shadows.
But I, La Bête du Gévaudan, was the first to be truly verified
given recognition and acclamation
beginning back in 1764 in the little bumpkin French town
of Gévaudan hence my name given me outright
from the start after I tore the throat
out of some moronic peasant villager then killed
and mutilated a lovely 14 year old farmer’s daughter.
Over a period of only 3 years from 1764 to 1767
102 people (give or take) in total (put that
in your Guinness Book of World Records if you dare)
were killed by me and me alone, mauled mangled decapitated
dismembered disemboweled even sexually abused (only the girls)
as I became more bored and disillusioned than normal.
But it’s all their own damn fault.
No reason for me to have to live in damp dank caves
and hunt at night by the light of the moon
magically transforming beneath the light of the full moon
from man to wolf (just kidding about that part
I was always a half-man half-wolf creature but don’t ask me
how that happened I have no idea honestly I don’t)
I got out of control because of them for I could have
been bargained with if only they had tried . . .
if only those stupid peasants had attempted to understand me
rather than fear and loath me casting me out!
Let’s get him! they shouted
Kill the beast! Kill the beast! Cut its throat! they chanted
(although in French of course)
chasing about the countryside with pitchforks and torches
trying to find me trying to string me up burn me
shoot me with these stupid silver bullets
(who makes this crap up, seriously, who?)
And no, just to set the record straight, I am not
a giant hyena or a wolf-dog hybrid
or a demented psychopath in a wolf’s skin or a bear
or trained mastiff or a pack of wild warthogs or rogue dogs . . .
I am a Werewolf plain and simple.
I am the first official Wolfman to stalk the land
and through the mists in your nightmares.
And you had goddamn well better learn to treat me
with more respect because I’m not going away anytime soon
and there are plenty more 14 year old
farmer’s daughters for me to terrorize rape mutilate and eat.
Michael Estabrook is a recently retired baby boomer child-of-the-sixties poet freed finally after working 40 years for “The Man” and sometimes “The Woman.” No more useless meetings under florescent lights in stuffy windowless rooms. Now he’s able to devote serious time to making better poems when he’s not, of course, trying to satisfy his wife’s legendary Honey-Do List. Since the late 1980s he has published over 20 poetry chapbooks, Bouncy House being the latest, edited by Larry Fagin (Green Zone Editions, 2016). He lives in Acton, Massachusetts.