Patty Patten Tiffany
Poetry from Key West (and beyond)
Day Hike
Yellow flowers dangle
on the mountainside
whooshed over by cool wind
popping back for sun
neighbored by tiny red tendrils
arranged in delicate disorder
waving between granite stripes
in sharp cascades
slender shoots beside moraine
quiet in summer
ready to rumble
under avalanches to come.
A patchwork of gold
sparkles the steepness
of endless Rockies’
aspen-lined peaks
far above the clear, cold rush
and smack of the stream
its red-gray smooth stone
just below icy water.
When I Stop Loving You
When I stop loving you
after a prolonged period
in which you scorn me,
I will exile you to Pluto,
from planet to icy mass,
something like you.
All the women you flirted with
and longed for
will be waiting,
frozen but amazing.
Ice vixens on a cold planet,
long fingers piercing,
pointing at parts,
sharp teeth laughing,
while I spy
through the telescope
your continued misadventures
at the hands
of happy harpies
shining like sequins
as you shiver.
Thunder Goddess
Hear her mighty song
crack and roll
to emphasize
a point.
She is a senator
a healer
a mother of lighting
who blazes the night sky
to open the dark below
heave up old highways
scorch old earth clean.
Avenger, unleashing
bolts and hail
to tainted earth.
“Come, Goddess,” we beg,
“Clean us, cure us,
unfold your wings
to lift the dams
before the flood.
Wash us with your might
to the brilliant place
where thunder
is the power
and women
shall wield it.”
Collision, St. Lucia
Hurtling along
we soar down mountainsides.
Faster, I think,
Past the waving profusion of
red ginger, vanilla, bougainvillea,
the heavy, drooping pods of the bird of paradise.
Past catamarans with tall masts,
full of tourists, pasty in the hot sun.
And the dark faces of the Lucians…
saucy plump the youth,
but quickly aged,
haggard and gray,
missing teeth,
missing jobs,
missing the modern moment.
Trapped between slavery
and freedom,
promise of a rainforest paradise
gone wrong.
we speed up
and the faces disappear
in the blur
of a rough road.
Faster, I say,
Waiting for a New Hip
No breakfast
no late snack.
Oh, no,
just two 1000 mg Tylenols
and an OxyContin to be sure.
Lovely black geishas,
the new pre-op handlers
softly touching
my arm, the place
for an IV,
while the teams
roll by;
having the most fun
of course,
all acolytes
of boy wonder
surgeon king,
million-dollar baby,
seeing my x-ray
with laser eyes
operating in two theaters
back and forth
O.R. drama
with wannabes
who pull muscles apart
cut nerves
saw bones
hammer in metal
while I swim
in a comfy coma
dreams on parade
no sound of saw or hammer
all hard at work to replace
the dead joint
eaten by a thousand
joyous jolts
or one wrong move maybe
forty years ago
tangled over a fence
on a horse I once loved
more than life.
Longtime friend of the Macabre, Patricia Patten Tiffany was born in Appalachia where she absorbed her poet grandmother's love of reading and writing, along with a reverence for nature and the rolling hills of home. Dreams of travel to a wider world came true during her master's program in German, eventually allowing her to live in Mexico, Canada, Austria, and Germany. Later, as a dean of admission for 22 years, using words precisely to describe, counsel, or embellish kept her joy in the company of words bubbling with creativity.She now lives on a bight in Key West, where her home floats and sometimes rocks, at the whim of the fickle sea. She is a member of the Key West Writer's and Poetry Guild and has published her work in Danse Macabre, Decimos and several anthologies.
Patty is the author of the well-received Awoken: Poems of Key West and Life, available on Amazon.com.