Paul Tristram
Cerddi pum
Home Goaling Life’s Goals
Stinging is that bitch-slap
you’ve delivered yourself.
Yet, it is merely a ripple
upon shallow water
compared to the alcoholic
ruin throning your soul.
The first time you ate
from that degrading,
grovelling table
you were not hungry
just deserving.
Nowadays you choke
trying to fill a hole
bottomless & buckling
wider with each cruel day
they sentence you into breathing.
Alone with the terror of knowing
that there is no cure,
not all problems have answers,
solutions or remedies.
Sometimes that fracture inside
is just doing what it’s supposed to.
And cradling your desperation
is all you have left to sustain you.
People… Fuck People!
“You’re lucky, I’m having one of my lucid moments.
Are you recording this?”
“Erm, no… I’m just…”
“Well, you should be, ya dig what I’m saying?
Anyway, look at them all fidgeting
around The Common Room.
High anxiety, Visiting Time’s approaching
and everyone’s doing a mental war dance
upstairs in their scrambled minds.
Extra tranquillizers all round, Nurse.
These folk ain’t ‘Doolally’, no sir.
They’re just vulnerable and over sensitive.
Could have happened to anyone out there
with feelings, empathy and a heart.
The ‘People’ did this to them,
mean-spirited, selfish, horrible people…
and families seem to be the worst.
They like a ‘Good Torture’ them Sadistic Bastards!
See the Bag Lady with the cuddly toys…
Step Father used to come home angry,
pick up the family pets and snap their backs
right over his knee in front of the children.
The young Pale Girl… wanted to be a Ballerina,
Mother used to stub out packets of cigarettes,
one by one on the bottom of her feet.
Old Derek over there… the worse stutter
you’ve ever seen or heard and allergic to custard.
Makes his whole face swell up
like he’s shoved it into an ants nest for half hour…
guess how they punished his speech impediment?
The ‘Girl In The Corner With No Name
Who Keeps Setting Fire To Her Own Hair’…
I’m not even going to start telling you
what happened to her (Spit!)
The first time I heard it in Group Therapy
God disintegrated from my very soul.
Visiting Time… the Torturer’s return, more like.
They’ve come to pull triggers and press buttons,
take their ‘Bad Day’ out on something helpless.
They’re too cowardly to step into a ring,
these punch bags don’t hit back or call for help.
Those pills don’t stop them being ‘Crazy’
they stop them from being ‘Too Emotional’
from ‘Reacting Naturally’ to ‘Cruelty’.
It’s all a Con and the Predators are walking free
and are being kept updated on the Patients/Victims
progress or relapse by the confidential Doctors.
Are you recording all this… because you should be?”
“No, I’m sorry… I’m just here to fix the TV.”
Do The Fandango, Bitch!
She came out of nowhere,
hit her from behind with a chair.
Then raised it up above her head
and slammed it down again.
Jesus, things broke, I mean,
you could hear them
snapping and splintering
and not all of it was wood.
There was this aura, electricity
coming off her, scary as fuck.
She grabbed 2 Heineken bottles
and leap astride her like an animal,
pissing with fury as she squatted down.
I’ve never seen anything like it
in my entire life, stuff of horror films.
She smashed the bottles over her head,
then started jabbing the broken edges
into her face, an eye popped out.
It all happened in seconds,
by the time the Bouncers appeared
and dragged her crazy ass off
the girl’s dead and she’s screaming
“You don’t do the fandango
with my man, bitch,
and motherfucking get away with it.
Just wait until they find him at home,
I left him chewing upon his own dick!”
Harmonized Hatred
Wrath and Envy fuel and consume each other,
like a serpent swallowing its own tail.
Until tuning to a pitch black negativity,
become an all consuming, destructive force,
causing a leprosy and shallowness of the Soul.
Where Ruin, Violence and Murder of Innocents
becomes Justified, Warranted and Acceptable.
The prisons, madhouses and graveyards
are full to bursting with those pathetic enough
and selfish enough to despise each Wonder
not internally created and credited as their own.
Submerged In Sadness
She paints glorious sunrises
of Van Gogh yellows
and devastatingly beautiful sunsets
of Hieronymus Bosch oranges.
It’s a bit like blood-letting
or leeching the Soul.
Sweeping away the internal shadows
with a creative broom.
Introspection without focus
and artistic expression
is Depression’s aching Terminus.
And she almost daily
travels inwards to get further outwards
from the fog of herself.
To swap a furrowed brow
for concentration instead of worry
is a priceless skill for one to know.
Sometimes it’s the only thing
to keep you afloat,
down driftwood-clung mental vistas,
kicking away the grasping hands
lurking awfully
within the murky depths below.
Paul Tristram is a Welsh writer who has poems, short stories, sketches and photography published in many publications around the world, he yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight; this too may pass, yet. Buy his book ‘Scribblings Of A Madman’ (Lit Fest Press) http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1943170096