Paul Tristram
A Murderous Hue
The stench of death and decay
stills the homesickness somewhat.
It is so very nice to be handcuff free
and in CONTROL once again.
A lullaby of gentle whimpering and sobbing
from the corner behind me
as I splash warm urine
onto my wickedly alive face
and try to compose myself for a moment or two.
The middle ground between Acts I & II
is quite a philosophical time I find.
If I could only play a piano of finger bones
(But I just never found the time to learn!)
or paint a glorious watercolour of mucus and semen
(Alas, I am only artistic in a violent way!)
what a Masterpiece I could give to the World.
The Hieronymus Bosch shadings
of this particular pastel afternoon
are deeply thought provoking
and fascinating in their force and friction.
You can indeed make a drum out of any old thing,
as I have proved time and time again
but I digress…
and the Schizophrenic Prompter
is starting to whisper ‘Action’ loudly once more.
The Buccaneer’s Pistol Shot
Took off the top half of her ring finger.
Yet, it was his kiss
which in fact
bore through her heart.
Eventual loss of interest
and rejection
which poisoned, damaged and corrupted
everything and anything
good and wholesome inside of her.
(Like throwing battery acid in the face of love!)
That disillusionment is a cancer,
making murderers
out of normally lamb-like folk.
She watched and she waited,
as patient and condemning as the Law.
She worked undercover and underhanded,
she would not rest, smile meaningfully
nor sleep deeply only fitfully again.
Until she had witnessed
and applauded, heartily
him swinging frantically
whilst dying slowly
with beautiful neck choking, in that noose.
The Minions Of Madness
She roared an obscene scream,
a Landslide in her heart,
Earthquake within her soul,
Holocaust inside her head.
Shuddered and shook floor-ward,
immediately started crab-walking,
snapping fingers whilst scuttling
towards the dormitory doors.
The Night Staff swooped
and sedated within seconds.
Dragging her backwards
up the squeaking corridor,
to a nice, quiet, private room,
furnished with restraining bed.
The Doctor checked his charts,
frowned in curiosity
and penned notes within her file.
‘The Minions of Madness
have come to visit Lucy
4 days early this month.
I have no doubt
that she will have started
menstruating by the morning.
The attacks are getting stronger
with each monthly cycle.
The medication temporarily calms
but does not cure or clean out
whatever is eating away inside of her!”
The Night Of A Thousand Screams
It happened on the 4th of February in the year of our Lord 1842.
He had already ‘Confessed’ loudly, three times to his torturer
but the man in the dirty mask had pretended not to hear him.
The First occasion was when his finger and toe nails were ripped out.
The Second was when his actual fingers and toes were chopped off
and flung to the three mangy mastiffs upon the gruesome floor
(Who’s job it was to lap up the blood and generally clean up
whatever mess and gristly things landed there during business hours!)
The Third was just before his nipples, ears, nose, eyes and tongue
were removed and something ruptured terribly somewhere deep inside,
‘Stinging hardly does the term justice’ he kept repeating in his mind
trying to focus upon something not horrible but failing with every try.
When he was turned upright and his left foot placed into the copper boot
soldered to the floor he prayed for death and mercy, not from his jailers
but from God up above and clenched his ruined soul into a ball
as the molten lead was poured in and his consciousness left for elsewhere.
The Murder Stones
At the base of the Altar,
in a shadowy pile,
waited The Murder Stones.
Made up of heavy dull pebbles,
sharp sections of granite and flint
and jagged saw-like pieces
of quartz and crystal.
Each gave off a sickly aura
when approached,
a darkening of the mind
whenever touched.
A violent silent laughing
throbbed away continuously
drawing you forward
like a storm tossed ship
to a cruel false lighthouse.
They like to tempt and tease,
flashing polaroid pictures
of disliked people
in a cancerous chain
throughout your thought pattern.
A calling, a venture,
a taste of the sickly knowledge
of how easy a skull spills its secrets.
Paul Tristram is a Welsh writer who has poems, short stories, sketches and photography published in many publications around the world, he yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight, this too may pass, yet. Bienvenue au Danse, Paul.