Paul Tristram
Your Butchered Epilogue
Why are you rushing
your way towards
a butchered epilogue?
Throwing fuel
upon the fires of fate
whilst smoking
someone else’s
celebratory cigar
between scheming,
crooked teeth.
You need not
be clairvoyant
to see that
dark cloud forming.
The vultures
grinning fondly
through eyes of hate.
Self destruction
is fascinating,
suicide even more so.
No one’s quite sure
whether to applaud
or look away?
What a strange experiment
you’ve set yourself up for
…and as the mangle
closes its jaws
tighter around you.
Every single one of us
is hoping and praying
that you don’t
change your mind
before it’s too late.
Arguing Over Pizza
“Yeah Sarge, the ambulance is zooming him
to A&E as we speak, they’re gonna ‘copter
him over to Chepstow Burns Unit, it’s really bad.
Yes, I know it’s a racket, it’s her in the back
of the van, gone mental and deranged,
nearly had my eye out trying to restrain her.
You’d better call a Shrink to the station,
gonna need sedating, sectioning or both,
she’s like a wild animal, all teeth and claws.
Well, so far, all we’ve got is it’s a domestic
over Hawaiian pizza (Which is her favourite!)
and he had a bit more pineapple on his half.
I’ve had a similar problem with my wife
over a tuna & sweetcorn pizza once,
the only difference being that I didn’t then walk
out into the kitchen, turn the chip pan on full
for 5 minutes on the pretence of smoking a fag,
then come running back in and throw it all over
the back of her head, did I? (Rhetorical question)
I mean, that’s premeditated for Christ sake,
he’s lucky he didn’t turn ‘round and catch all
of that in the face, Jesus, I’ve got the horrors.
Anyway, we’re two and a half streets away,
get that Detention Room door open sharpish,
we’ll book her in properly after she’s calmed down!”
Out Tha Back [Film Scene]
He came up to our private table,
placed his big gorilla hands
knuckle down
upon its beer soaked surface.
Leaned in menacingly
and hissed through stinking breath
“Out Tha Back!”
(Two mistakes in one:
he’d warned me of his intention
and put his weapons in clear view.
Outside of the ring fighting
has nothing gentlemanly about it!)
I hit him a stunning blow
upon the right side of the head
with the flat underneath of an ashtray.
Sending him sideways over a stool
disorientated and kicking ceiling ward.
I grabbed his shins,
pulling them in opposite directions
and slammed my Winter boot
straight down in between them.
Then twisted and spun his ankles together
until his face warped with the floor.
I sat myself back down
slightly stirred but not shaken
as the laughing Hyenas
from the surrounding shadows
dragged him backwards
somewhere away from my concern.
With His Own Truncheon
“They were only nicking a few quid’s worth
of scrap metal from a garden.
Anyway, the Police come
and they all scarpered
but they had their Old Man with ‘em
and he was drunk as usual.
So they nabbed him straight away
and he went back playing the good son like,
the Copper’s only got his bloody truncheon out.
Well, four and half year they gave him, see,
shipped him all the way down to Dartmoor.
He tried throttling someone,
in his own Cell,
two days before coming home,
put back his release date by three months,
but you don’t know see… maybe he had too?
Anyway, he was never the same after it all,
they say it brought out his schizophrenia.
That was back when he were in his early twenties,
Christ, nearly thirty odd year ago,
aye, well, you’ve seen the state of him
walking ‘round the town these days, I don’t know!”
It Was Your Cupidity Which First Aroused
My Interest And Affection
I watched the way you walked through life
out manoeuvring everyone in your way.
Coldly leaving the oppositions
marriages and families in ruin.
With cold, determined, peregrine falcon eyes
you took exactly what you wanted,
each conquest a ladder wrung upwards and forwards.
No remorse in your predator nature…
there are no victims only Winners and losers.
Meekness is weakness and humbleness is no virtue…
I’ve seen you curl your lip in disgust
at such trophies of patheticness
then grin as you sledgehammered home the finishing blow.
Our Union will be mighty and magnificent,
we will own, control and dictate
each social circle that we enter into,
our mutual ruthlessness and ambition will keep us warm.
We will want for nothing in our household
except love and caring…
But I say Fuck compassion and Valentine cards,
I’d rather nightly lick the servants and sycophants
off your narcissistic bone… that’s what I’m talking about!
Paul Tristram is a Welsh writer who has poems, short stories, sketches and photography published in many publications around the world, he yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight; this too may pass, yet. Buy his book ‘Scribblings Of A Madman’ (Lit Fest Press) http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1943170096