Richard Magahiz
Dreams of Yuggoth
a vapor hiss
cnidarian not-black
and then you spot those
three-lobed sockets
blind mouth sucking
the midgut a twist
of mirrors
to sire their parents
these eat their young
sloughing dead pixels,
salt risen
demons of Ptah
voices each decanted
from bell jars
those that are lost
the cyclopean structure
a millworks
its central shaft
ringed with dripping chains
each lovely necklace:
even white teeth
too many blushing virgins
not enough
we gave them love,
this is how they consume us
cleaved to our breast
a squirming pink mass
Metamorphosis 2
I dreamed that Ovid had come back to earth
in a film starring Olympia Dukakis
teaching in a small liberal arts college
about the themes of transformation in
Mothra and Neon Genesis Evangelion
and not well liked by her dean or department head
(played well by Matthew McConnaughey)
but tenured and therefore not dependent
on living on the pin money from poetry.
Ovid/Olympia would get into trouble
writing a piece in a leftist zine
about how overnight a dark-skinned woman
who swept floors and polished bannisters
at the college totally anonymously
was turned into a non-human creature
completely without any prosthetics
only a trick of lighting and a little makeup
and had to be driven from the place she lived
possibly to be shot in the legs in some desert
because people like her would have to
go back where they had originally come from
and somewhere a troll on Youtube wrote a hit piece
in the reality of my dream movie
of how this taxpayer funded college
was allowing social justice warriors
like Ovid/Olympia to make horrible statements
against this country which ought to be cherished
and managed to dox the professor
and once this got onto Twitter and Facebook
became an overnight controversy
that Matthew McConaughey could not
sweep under the rug like some dust
and so would ask his troublesome teacher
to take a semester's leave without pay.
By this point, I was wide awake in bed
and don't remember what happened at the end
of this dream movie, whether it was happy
or whether because it was art was therefore sad.
their Lili Marleen
into longwave
their vision we cannot
hide here
twins beeswax pale their psyches are one
in your skull,
deep amber waves...
in everyone's skull
the sky cracks; the schoolchildren can't breathe
Richard Magahiz has a day job working with computers, originally as a physicist but more recently as a software engineer. When it comes to music, food, or books his tastes are both eclectic and idiosyncratic. He spent a long time on the East Coast of the US but has come back to his native state of California. His work has appeared recently at Star*Line, Dreams and Nightmares, Failed Haiku, otoliths, bones, Uppagus, Kaleidotrope, and Eye to the Telescope. His website is at https://zeroatthebone.us/