Sheikha A.
Crow's Silt
Eyes set in like divided orbits; they say
meat of a pure crow was used. Powerful
spiritual people don't speak in clamours.
They say there were many ghosts against
the deed. Yet, performed, a man of Allah
was involved. Fire in full frontal labour.
My mind is a fog of fatwas, they say I dream
out of sins. A rusty pink flower has drunk
rain. Milk depreciating in sachets. Economy of
give and take. Land on the rings around
the luminous triangle. There are pole ends
to black masks. Fall against hubris ribs
poking out of fibrous skin. Milk caramelizing
within bones. Can you see the dreams
stretch into a white mouth of screams?
There is a moth pushing light out of its tail;
levitating walls like a tall eclipse. Your mouth
is too pretty, they hiss, and sever my father's arm -
Uncomfortably Unknown
for Aiyana and Waterbaby (Gina)
I have closed my ears to the whispers
breaking through thin veils. The constitution
of winter is about being beautifully cold - overwinters -
it's scarier when what feeds the song, dries up
like a lining of clouds against sinking orange hues;
everything coming at us is terrible like spring
blooming as fiery nectar, and ghostly like
sparkly translucent autumn, and divine like
winter voids as holographic precision
on black panels of an unknown energy.
These winters thaw like a diver's awakening;
when he meets the first fish on his adventure
and he is told there is a mermaid as old as land
before it became covered by sea; she has teeth
of a widow's, and tail of a nubile giant; that she is
loyal like a bird unwilling to leave its first feeder
and she circles her domain like errant ripples;
to excavate her bounty, he would have borne
holes in his lungs before the air escaped his
courage; she would place her hands as soft as
jagged pearls discarded before formation
on his chest to give him life anew like birth
should his promise be true like a pomegranate
of the underworld, that he would leave her
his bones after his earthly time surrendered to
the wind below the sea. He remembered
the ruby-throat that had arrived on his window
like something odd - out of season - as emerald snow,
smelling the lilac silverleaf growing in his garden,
how she dressed in a garment of brave wings,
her feathers like sheen of sea under heat of day,
the cage of wilderness not unknown
to her wisdom, blatant like truth held in dew,
pure like imprints of intent's paws on snow.
This cold was hardship without which he was asleep.
She was privilege like first harvest; he called her
gatekeeper. Going as far out as he could
to the centre of where borders cordoned off,
where she sang through waves, water burning
holes into his frozen body, but his mind waking
to curiosity; his legs peddling the currents behind,
water enclosing the fading traces of his plunge.
I hear him like rising elements. His voice merged
with hers. She sears like a black rose to the call
of the moon. A feather floats unperturbed
in the chill. I watch as whispers gather. It is
no longer scarier. The song that returns is familiar.
Maybe they get jealous of females,
the males in our family. Curses are
vouchers at a mall, from their mouths
come ordinance, damnation, the orders
of the angels sitting on our shoulders
marking our uncovered heads as the day
of deprivation. There is no such thing
as male domination, especially when
their food is cooked by a set of hands
grown tongues in place of fingers.
Previously published in Section 8 Magazine
Memories stand like Smaug.
Under its left breast,
missing a scale, was a hole
that no treasure of the mount
could patch. This is how the new
moon is tonight. Grey, enormous
lights fall unheeded
as thick feet of heavy flesh
draw their route to the fires.
The plan was to burn the beast.
This is how memories multiply –
like loyalty fraught on bases.
Previously published in Section 8 Magazine
Ashes all over the screen
collecting like a carpet forgotten
its floor. Dry winter arrives –
throwing-away cleaning – somewhere
a land has grown plants. Here, the soil
can’t even utilize stray carcasses
to crop. Birds visit barbers before
they emigrate. There is a name for
every thing on this planet,
the unconscious are wise
the subconscious be wild
the conscious offer caution.
And then, there is the moon
hanging on someone’s fence
Previously published in Section 8 Magazine
Sheikha A. is from Pakistan and United Arab Emirates. Her work appears in a variety of literary venues (magazines and anthologies), most recent being Uppagus, Pedestal Magazine, Visual Verse, Duane's PoeTree, and elsewhere. More about her can be found at sheikha82.wordpress.com