Sterling Warner
Five Poems
Chicago Riptide
Deep tissue masseuse, a Chicago siren,
placed heated stones on my chest, feet, and spine
tapped knotted muscles, kneaded engorged vessels
energized me with the Swedish treatment
reserved for high rolling insomniacs,
stressed CEOs, and socially numb addicts;
yes, Chicago called my zen present chi in silence,
promised shiatsu euphoria—Gently. Firmly.
Pressing my body like a clove of garlic, musky
sweat rolled down arms and legs unhindered.
Pulling me asunder like a riptide,
I uttered embarrassing bedroom moans;
ooohs and aaahs of sex communication,
met approval and encouragement from she
with magic hands and serene Enya voice—
justified frequent trips to the windy city
untouched by programed manners and inhibitions,
where uncensored responses escaped relaxed lips.
Badass Schwinn
Free as a senior Hells Angel, bare back in blue jeans,
I straddle my Schwinn bicycle,
pea gravel and dirt
spin under
helmet as
I roll down tar roads
to the amusement of couples
dressed in leathers who sit breasts to back on a Harley
Sundowner seat; rubber side down
on two-day retreats,
they escape
as dentists, lawyers,
CEOs, engineers, surgeons;
wind slaps my face in thunderous applause; at home in
the elements, I carve black ice
hydroplane across
rainy roads
year in
keeping it
real, cruising lanes with
mid-life savoir-faire, avoiding
weekend warrior pratfalls like flashing chrome exhaust pipes.
Gumdrop Ltd
Sidewalk splodges on the downtick
textured lumps beneath café tables decline;
sipping caffè latte dreaming a green future
meditation centered on near-naked walls,
a single sign boasts how eco minded
proprietors place pink pumpkin shaped
receptacles on street posts, encourage
pedestrians to recycle their chewing gum—
be it Bubble Yum, Wrigley’s, Black Jack,
Chiclets, Dentyne, Trident, or Beemens;
an imaginary scent of spearmint shoots
skywards as steamy menthol clouds mingle
with my java’s nutty, smoky aroma
filling nostrils with memories mystical
removing lips from the edge of my cup
I could taste a burst of flavor (another’s chew)
that quickly disappeared as my jaw
bit into nothingness expecting renewal:
coffee cups forged from saliva, spit, drool
& globs under desks, benches & chairs—
remaining inventive—mindful reprocessed gum
create wellington boots & mobile phone covers.
Surreal Belvedere
eyes sternly
gaze beyond plate glass
gilded with numbers upon a
grandfather clockface; his moustache
rotates like surreal arms at three & thirty-five
contemplates The Persistence of
Memory’s terrain
of melting
of toreadors
& masturbators exposing
subconscious desires, guarded thoughts, vest held secrets
captured on canvas & sculpture;
time in abeyance
limply hangs
like stark
Roadhouse Chic
Explosive energy resounds
as the Ford Mustang’s bias-ply tire
blew, sent open containers flying
a jarring thud, thud, thud, thud
pushed Anne and me closer…
sooner than planned or desired…
forced an abrupt reckoning
our salacious tryst brought
to a premature pause.
Dressed to the nines,
we had ushered in the night
all sixes and sevens
long before lightning struck, winds
picked up, rain gushed over my
cousin’s borrowed convertible
and began to seep through top pads,
tacking strips, and hold down cables.
Leaks became s torrential deluge,
saturated Anne’s apricot evening gown—
a strapless jaw-dropping garment
forever etched in my memory
as eerie and nightmarish as
Carrie’s senior prom dress
drenched in pig’s blood.
Not far behind us, closing-in
on the rear bumper, threatening
our tail lights, a collapsed levee
surged over the parched terrain
like whitewater rapids ideal
for adrenaline junkies, aqua hobbyists,
or death-wish rafters blind to hidden rocks
most certainly unsuitable for autos.
We climbed on the steel pony’s
roof top to hail passing cars;
high beams blinked and flashed
as distant police sirens shouted
under angry, storm skies
and semi-truck air horns
expressed open road rage—
demanded space to pass
with cargo or empty shells.
Still, drivers sped on by
no assistance offered until…
Anne tossed her locks as wet as
Janis Joplin’s hair on stage
winked like Claudette Cobert,
pulled up her silk skirt,
shimmied in the leather bucket seat,
pushed her high cut thong
down generous, thick thighs,
hooked the mesh lace
to the stanger banger’s
AM/FM radio antenna….
Thirty seconds later, the downpour
parted around us like the Red Sea,
countless cars pulled over, and we
fought off hordes of Good Samaritans.
Exodus seemed certain as Anne
shrugged her shoulders, winked
at me, then jumped into a jet black
Lamborghini; waving through
an open window, she insisted I
keep her thong for remembrance.
An award-winning author, poet, and former Evergreen Valley College English Professor, Sterling Warner’s works have appeared many literary magazines, journals, and anthologies including Danse Macabre, Trouvaille Review, Lothlórien Poetry Journal, Ekphrastic Review, and Sparks of Calliope. Warner’s collections of poetry include Rags and Feathers, Without Wheels, ShadowCat, Edges, Memento Mori: A Chapbook Redux, Serpent’s Tooth, Flytraps, and Cracks of Light: Pandemic Poetry & Fiction 2019-2022 (2022)—as well as Masques: Flash Fiction & Short Stories. Presently, Warner writes, hosts/participates in “virtual” poetry readings, turns wood, and enjoys retirement in Washington.